Marketing Strategies For Amazon | Effective Tactics To Get Your First Sale

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Marketing Strategies For Amazon | Effective Tactics To Get Your First Sale

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Did you launch your product on Amazon and struggling to get sales or maybe you already have your private label product but can get that momentum well in this video I will show you how you can get those customers to buy and boost your sales but before that my name is Gus and if this is your first time watching I wanna welcome you my goal is to provide you with tips and strategies that help you start and grow your Amazon FBA business so if you enjoyed this video and want to stay up to date with more cool stuff that I post then you should consider subscribing okay let’s get down to business when you’re first starting out it can be very challenging to get that first sale especially if you don’t have reviews and your listing is still not indexed for the main keywords that’s why I always recommend you start with an aggressive PPC campaign so your listing can be shown to as many keywords as possible you should check out my video on how to get started with PPC right here there are other ways that you can drive more traffic to your listing and ultimately get sales let’s talk about the first strategy Facebook groups first join groups on Facebook that are within your niche and have some content available for posting these can be short posts about half a page or even a couple paragraphs that provide value about your market for example if you’re in the baking space you can post about some recipes that would require the use of products like yours but make sure you don’t say anything about your products at least not yet by the way you don’t have to write content yourself you can do a google search on blogs around your niche and get some ideas from there then rephrase them into short posts you can also hire someone to do that for you I love using upwork for this kind of work then start posting in these groups remember you want to look for groups and not fan pages after a few days reach out to the admins in these groups send them a message and say that you have a discount code for their members that way you already provided value in the group so you are not coming off as somebody who’s just tryna spam and you’re also asking for permission which is very important in these types of situations the more you do this the more you’re gonna get traffic to your listing now it’s a little bit challenging to track sales that are coming from that source but you can do two things here first you can create a bitly link and use that link in the Facebook group once you post your code that way you’ll be able to see who’s actually clicking on that and going to your Amazon listing you can also create a squeeze page once they click on it they will have to put in their email address so that you can get the discount code for your product the second strategy is influencer marketing this is a rising trend in advertising where you get to leverage other celebrities in your niche so to speak and have them do either a shout out a post or a review for your product to their followers the biggest channels for doing this are Instagram and YouTube and depending on which market you’re in one of them can work better for you you can try them both but I would focus on one first and try it out and then I would move to the second one when you’re reaching out to those influencers you should write a short to the point message you can say something like I’ve been following you for a while and really enjoy your content I have a product that I think your audience might be interested in I can send you a couple of samples or if you offer this as a service if you can please send me a quote now if they offer this as a service they will get back to you with prices on different things that they can do for your product it’s very important before you do this to check the amount of engagement they get on their posts for example an influencer on Instagram might have 10,000 followers but only gets two or three likes on their posts and that is important to you because when it comes time to post about your product you would want the highest number of engagements because these will convert into sales on Instagram you can search hashtags for your niche and look for people with the highest number of followers and highest engagement then you can send them a direct message on YouTube you can go to their Channel and then on the About section you can see their email address and you can send them an email from there you can also use famebit which is a platform that has a lot of influencers on both YouTube and Instagram you can submit a request and have people bid on it the third strategy is doing a competition this works great on Facebook as people love to share and you gain lots of subscribers along the way that you can then email them later offers and discounts for your products the way to do a competition is you would find a product in your market that has a higher retail value something between 200 to 500 dollars then you would create a Facebook ad and start the target people in your niche the ad is basically an image of that product with its retail value and your ad copy would read that for a chance to win click here and put your email address and if you want to increase your chances share and tag your friends you can use apps like Rafflecopter or gleam to help with doing the contest you would run the ad for a few weeks and then in the meantime you’ll be collecting emails for everyone who signs up then you would announce the winner and send them the price but you would email everyone else who joined with a coupon code that has a discount for your product and since the main product is in the same niche then you have a large interest of people who would buy of course the more emails you collect the higher your conversion rate will be have you ever tried any of these strategies to drive more sales to your Amazon listing and if not which ones are you planning on using next let me know in the comments if you liked this video and found it valuable then give us a thumbs up leave a comment below and subscribe and if you want to make sure you don’t miss any of my videos then hit that built button to get notified once I released my next video you’ll also find a link below to our Facebook group it’s a community where we share knowledge and help you grow with your amazon FBA business so you should definitely consider joining thanks again I’ll see you in the next video

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Posted by Ian

Ian has marketed for some of the world's best-known brands like Hewlett-Packard, Ryder, Force Factor, and CIT Bank. His content has been downloaded 50,000+ times and viewed by over 90% of the Fortune 500. His marketing has been featured in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Adweek, Business Insider, Seeking Alpha, Tech Crunch, Y Combinator, and Lifehacker. With over 10 startups under his belt, Ian's been described as a serial entrepreneur— a badge he wears with pride. Ian's a published author and musician and when he's not obsessively testing the next marketing idea, he can be found hanging out with family and friends north of Boston.

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