All right guys this is important I just did a video on what not to do in your marketing right you can watch that video it’s in my feed somewhere but this is not a rant about what not to do this is about what you should do in marketing and how can you be like Apple to create an awesome experience for your customer so I’m not gonna get into an Apple debate here and everything else but it’s because I feel awesome on how they treated me look at this this here you know these are these are beets right ok so check this out they’re fallin apart so I bought them just about a year ago ok and the headphone thing the little pad was falling apart and so I went online I go ok well can I replace these things and there’s all kinds of ways you can replace them for about 60 bucks or something for like a really good replacement it’s not hard to really replace those those foam like the head the headphone cushions right it just pops off and kind of pops back on so I figured ok I’ll just do that myself then my wife said well you know they might be under warranty bingo I forgot all about the warranty right it’s about a year so I called apple and immediately they said yep they’re under warranty you can do one of two things take them to the Apple store and they’ll ship him out and get them fixed or you can you know we’ll send someone like FedEx or whatever and pick them up from your house and then we’ll send them out ok so that’s what I did you know cuz I just did just do lazy didn’t want to go to the Apple store myself so Thursday it was it was Thursday right now we are Tuesday yeah we’re Tuesday okay so we’re Tuesday and so last Thursday ice I called them and they they sent FedEx to pick up the headphones so I sent them out on Thursday did they arrived on Friday ok to the off to the warehouse whatever they’re gonna fix them and I guess they sat there over the weekend or maybe whatever right and so on Monday yesterday I was checking in cuz I’m so impatient or I didn’t go where my what’s happening with my headphones and they already told me was gonna take about 7 to 10 days or something to get the fixed and back right and lo and behold around 2:30 boom knock on the door show up Apple these things show up ankle oh my god I can’t believe they fix them that fast like that is like superior superior customer service right so I open up the package take a look at them hey these are brand new so they replaced them now there’s two things happening there a the deferred to turnaround of how fast they got these things back to me because I don’t know about you but when something’s in your life and then all of a sudden it’s gone that’s what we miss it right the craziest things and if you’re a creature of habit like me you do the same things all the time so you know half part of my day is you know writing and creating and all that kind of stuff in some of that time I need headphones on sometimes I don’t know I’ll get into that story of how my ATD brain works but some of that time is with those headphones so I’ve got two sets of headphones I’ve got the beats and then I’ve got the Apple I eye ear pad sort ear pods ear pods right it just depends on how my brain works that’s not the point the point is I was missing these guys you know for the couple of days and I was prepared to go for like seven days but Apple got them back to me like that and that’s the point of this message the point is how can you over deliver to your customers for them to fix those things if they could have done that I mean it takes about you know a professional 30 minutes maybe 30 minutes it take me maybe an hour to do it and depending on how the backlog is whatever right so I was prepared for them to replace the the cushions and get them back to me within a couple of days so by the end of this week like I was prepared to have them back by the you know there’s the end of this week but turnaround basically in one day and a brand new pair man I can’t stop talking about it which is the reason why this live is happening right now and it’s not to really boost on Apple and everything it’s about you know how can you look at your customers and treat them with the total respect and make them do the marketing for you which is exactly what I’m doing for Apple right now the marketing I’m doing the marketing for them because of the way that they make me feel that is the key to marketing differently that is the key to standing out in your marketing is how do you make your customer feel awesome with stuff that you do talk to you later
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