How to Develop an Industrial Marketing Strategy

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How to Develop an Industrial Marketing Strategy

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hey so for today’s episode I’m gonna walk you through how to write a killer marketing strategy for 2020 if this is something that’s new to you you really want to listen or watch this episode I’m gonna walk you through some key things you don’t want to miss and make sure they’re included in your strategy and by the time we’re done with this episode we’re gonna be able write a killer strategy that will help you knock it out of the park for 2020 welcome to Industrial sage a free video podcast series all about digital marketing for industrial manufacturers here interviews with your peers and find out how they’re solving the same challenges that you might be facing in your own fields coming to you from the optimum production studio in Atlanta Georgia this is industrial sage all right so 2020 is very near and it’s budget and planning season so what I wanted to do is take some time to kind of walk through how to develop a strategy now a lot of people come to us saying hey we’ve never really done this what do we need to include so don’t worry this episode is for you I’m gonna walk you through what you need to include in a strategy and I’m gonna have some tools and some resources that are really gonna help you and be able to plan this out so the really the first thing that you need to do is to set up a baseline and what do I mean by that I mean let’s look at and let’s measure kind of what you’re doing and what you’re not so it’s almost like giving yourself an on it like re give you a really good example do you have Google Analytics set up on your website do you have a website what do you have on there do you have a blog are you doing an email campaign are you doing all these different area of these different things that is that sort of number one just kind of lay out that foundation of what you have and what some of those metrics are so for example on your let’s say you’ve got a website let’s say you have Google Analytics set up go in there and we want to see how much traffic are you getting on a monthly basis maybe look at the last year maybe the last two years and just kind of get a sense on average we’re getting I don’t know 500 people a thousand people maybe it’s ten thousand people a month but let’s figure out what that is because you can’t fix what you can’t measure so make sure to get that sort lockdown when you’re looking at Google Analytics for example you’re gonna want to look at things like not just overall website traffic but maybe get a sense of your direct traffic this is people who are typing in your web address and coming directly to you you want to look at your organic traffic that’s people who are searching for things that your website pops up for so for example if you’re selling pressure sensors and let’s say you’ve got a blog article about you know what’s the best pressure sensor for 2020 or whatever and somebody Google’s that then that blog article pops up that’s called organic that’s a very big thing that you’re gonna want to be thinking about later but let’s get a sense of you know what that organic reach how much traffic is coming to you because they’re finding you on the Internet that’s very exciting referral traffic is another thing you want to look at so how many other websites are referencing or referring back to you this could be news organizations trade magazines other websites there’s a whole host of things and that can really help be a great treasure trove to find out hey people that are sending you traffic you you kind of might want to figure that out and see how they can send you more and then paid so if you’ve got let’s say ad campaigns going on you can get a sense of you know what traffic is being driven for paid if you don’t have any paid traffic okay well then you’re not you’re not gonna have that so that’s just kind of one example of what I mean in terms of being able to figure out sort of the baseline you it’s gonna be different for every organization so kind of figure out from a digital standpoint what do you have and what are those metrics so if you’ve got email campaigns going great let’s measure how many emails are sending out per month what your open rate is which are click-through rate is and your overall consumption if you’ve got videos how many are you releasing how many views are you getting how much of a video on average is somebody watching are they watching 5% of that are they watching 20% of it if you’re on if you’re on social media what social media channels are you on how much content are you creating how much engagement are you getting you get the picture so just put together a snapshot of like everything everything you’re doing where you are because again you can’t fix what you can’t measure so that’s number one okay number two is get a sense of do we want to go and how and and we want to like sort of reverse engineer this so a really great starting place is saying hey we want to grow our web traffic well great why do we want to grow our web traffic well we want to grow our web traffic because we know that if we can get you know a thousand people to our website that ten of them will download a form and one of them will turn into a customer and that customer is worth thirty five thousand dollars or what have you okay so that’s a really good way of saying okay so we want to increase the amount of sales that we have so we know that there’s a thousand people coming to our website and you know for every thousand that we get we get one customer that’s worth you know thirty five thousand okay how could we need to get more traffic so how can we get more traffic you see see where I’m going with this another way of looking at it is saying hey how much do how much revenue or sales do we want to grow by using online media maybe your company as a whole is saying listen for 2020 we really want to move the needle by ten percent or we want to take X amount of market share or what have you whatever that metric is let’s we can reverse-engineer that and figure that out you know digitally now you need to have these metrics set up ahead of time you know what we talked about number one setting up what you have if you don’t have anything okay well then you know you’re gonna have to start you start from zero so that means you’re gonna have a hundred percent increase a thousand percent increase you know for the first month or two and then it’s you know it’s gonna drop down but you want to make sure you have that you know set up it’s don’t have a clear understanding of what you want to do in in twenty twenty and then we’re gonna sort of you know back into it so let’s say for that example that I’ve talked about for you know we want to grow you know we want to grow by I’m just gonna keep it super simple you know a million dollars and each of our products are thirty five thousand dollars a piece or the average buyer is is doing that okay and we know that a thousand people that are coming to the website for everyone every thousand people that come to the website one person buys in there were thirty five thousand dollars okay it’s simple math at that point so we need thirty thousand people to the website and if that metric holds true then and there you go boom voila that’s that that’s the goal okay now listen I’m giving you a very very sort of arbitrary numbers and figures and ideas but this is kind of what you want to be thinking about so okay great so we think that if you know we had a thousand people to our website that means that’s one customer and that’s gonna be $35,000 to us so if that holds true let’s get 30,000 people that are qualified or that are in Terraria it’s not just 35 random people thousand then that all those are those will be our metrics all right so what you’re gonna want to do is kind of break these goals down what we call SMART goals so there’s an acronym and that is specific is s M is measurable attainable is a relevant and timely okay so what I just kind of laid out there saying we want to grow by a thousand you know we want to we want to grow to 30,000 because we want a million people to come in that say that’s an example of a SMART goal why because a it’s specific it’s a specific thing saying we grow traffic then we grow revenue very specific okay it’s measurable well we can measure against that every day we can look at our web traffic we can look at our conversions we can look at sales it’s very good attainable is that attainable in the sense of is that super realistic well I don’t know if we want to 330 X our web traffic that may or may not be attainable depending on the tactic and listen with money you can make all these things happen so it’s just a matter of you know how you’re able to do that and we’ll talk about that in a minute is it attainable yes it is attainable but you got to go about it smartly if that’s a word so and the next thing is relevant is that even relevant like let’s look you know kind of a kind of a dumb question here but if you’re if there’s it aligned with your overall objectives of the company all we want to grow by X percent does that align you know maybe a million dollars is is is higher than you know that goal or lower or whatever but I think really the the goal is is it a relevant goal that you’re trying to achieve so a good example is oh we want to grow Twitter by X amount of followers that’s great but is that relevant are your actual buyers on Twitter and is that gonna help you actually you know drive sales they may be and that may be a perfectly relevant goal saying I wouldn’t want to grow our Twitter you know follower by X X amount that’s up for you to know your audience and whether that actually is going to drive that metric or not so that’s where that relevant piece comes in and then timely that’s another thing say listen you know for 2020 from January 1 to December 31 if a assuming you have a fiscal calendar fiscal calendar year then you know is that actually is that actionable within that time is that something that makes sense and that we can do in that timeframe and that it’s not like you know something that we figure out well actually this is gonna take us two years to do so maybe we need to back down off that so look really looking at that that overall framework is gonna really help you to be able to make sure that you’re set up for success alright so after you have your smart goals you want to figure out your personas now we’ve got a great guide where you can download to be able to what we walk you through on how to do this and your personas essentially are really your sort of your target market like your audience on who you’re selling this product or service to but kind of looking at it a little bit deeper so and with every product purchase that you have depending on the price you know typically the higher the price the more involved you have people whether it’s you know maybe the c-suite gets involved in operations down to the end user now not everybody is a decision maker on that purchase but there’s certainly a lot of influencers involved so really mapping that out will help you be really successful in terms of what we will do on the next phase of developing content for those personas who will help to champion that sale right so that’s gonna be very very very important like I said we’ve got a download where you can download that but making sure you have a crystal clear understanding you know for this product here are the different people who are going to be involved with that decision and here’s it we need to create content that will speak to everybody at that level okay so now we’re going to move into the next piece and that is really develop content and having a a plan and a strategy around what content that we need to get to those new viewers that’s going to speak to those personas that’s going to help buy our product okay so again we’ve got a great guide for you it’s our digital marketing content planner and what you can do is you can go download this thing it’s a great spreadsheet and it literally walks you through how to fill this out and what that is so it’s gonna look at look at your smart goals it’s gonna look at your personas it’s gonna look at different things like a blog strategy ad figuring out a release schedule for different social media types of content and really help you give a full picture like okay this is what we need to be doing this is this is what we should be doing this is how we should be doing it and you kind of need to fill in the blanks so a couple things that you’re gonna want to look at there and I’ll just kind of give a little bit of a high like high-level overview on some of this because you can go download this and I’m you know we get a little bit deeper into the weeds and actually walk you through on how to use it is you want to be thinking about in our example of driving traffic to your website you want to be looking at a paid strategy if you can where’s your you’re paying for for traffic which that is could be PPC it could be doing LinkedIn ads it could be using an ad platform where it’s kind of focusing on all these different things could be you know leveraging that relative to remarketing or retargeting depending on how you use it or how you pronounce it or a reference the term you can use it interchangeably and this is going to help to really kind of fuel that traffic a little bit faster you you want to be looking at that if you can afford it I recommend that that’s gonna help you get to that 30,000 that we talked about a lot faster the other thing you want to be doing though in conjunction with that is a robust blog strategy you need to be blogging you need to be blogging a lot and the reason why is that it really is going to influence your SEO or your organic reach we talked about this a little bit earlier or I said I gave that example of looking at your Google Analytics and looking at your organic reach what that is again is when people are online looking for a or they or rather it could be a product that can be typically they’re looking to to solve a problem they’re gonna be googling how to do this and what is the best pressure sensor for X or what is the you know what are the top kind of things like that okay that needs to fuel your your blog strategy your content strategy because if we think about it what can we do to be able to help people in the very early stages of that buying process online you know there’s a stat now that talks about by the time that a buyer reaches out to you they have learned like 80 percent down that buying decision path okay and so they’re starting all of their research they’re starting that process online if you’re not online you don’t have that content there you’re missing out so the opportunity is to really leverage these blogs and this other content to be able to help educate your prospect so having how to’s and different guides and different things are gonna really help you be able to feed that a really great way of going and getting those topics or talking it’s talking to your sales team ask them what are the frequently asked questions that you get asked in the sales process because I guarantee you if they’re asking that during the sales process they’re asking that online there look they’re searching for that so there you go that’s your content take it and create a lot of it very quickly if you can you know come up with a strategy can you guys do it monthly can you weekly can you do it daily the the short version is the more blog content the more frequent that you’re doing it the better it’s gonna help your traffic but it’s a long-term play they’re going to build on each other it’s evergreen content its content you’re gonna build and you’re gonna do it and it’s gonna live on your website for years and it’s gonna help you out for years unlike paid paid meetings gonna as soon as you turn that off you know it’s like it’s opening up a pipe you know and all the water and everything all right here’s come all the traffic and then you turn off the ads you close it they stop Organic is gonna keep going but it’s gonna take longer to get there so you using those two things are really gonna help you and also you know working in and in conjunction with your social media to be able to help you know reach it so having blogs for example is great but you also need a way of being able to Semin eight it so doing things like you’re integrating in your email campaigns putting it on your so Media and that way you’re not like having to figure oh man we need all this other content so if you kind of start with a block of of blogs and that can kind of fuel everything else that’s really gonna help you out you know one of the tricks that we do and we’ll talk about this a little bit more later is you know creating a lot of video content is difficult writing can be a little difficult so one little secret sauce is well – video do long-form video content kind of like what we do here at Industrial Sage we are able to fuel a lot of content based off of that and and it’s just a really great trick I’m being on how to to be able to do that and take create blog content but also have videos behind it that you can use and social people love using video content and social so be thinking about that you know in a little bit on how you can use it now listen there’s like a whole host of other different things that you can do to to you know different tactics that you can use to to hit our goal of increasing your web traffic from you know a thousand people to 30,000 people and that’s really kind of what you’ve got to figure out I can’t answer that for you on this episode because everyone’s everyone’s different but what I can do is help to give you the tools so you can create an awesome plan so that when you go to your CFO or whoever is going to sign off on your budget say hey look this is what we want to do is what’s gonna cost is how much you know this is why we want to do it and here’s the framework and it’s set up for success so that you can actually have a plan that you can execute again say listen this plan is gonna help us to be able to get your thirty thousand people to our website by the end of 2010 dove 2020 and this is what we think the revenue impact is can be or should be and guess what you can measure that throughout the process you get a sense of you know how things are tracking there so I hope this episode was really helpful for you we I could probably go another four hours on this if not more but I just kind of wanted to set a basic framework that can you know really help you out especially if you haven’t really written down a marketing strategy I want you to be really successful in 2020 you know digital marketing is is growing at people that more and more people are doing it if you have not done it you need to really really really think very hard and actually execute something in 2020 because they’re gonna be left behind that’s just where everyone’s going we’ve got a lot of resources here on industrial stage that can help you to be able to do that if you are saying hey this sounds awesome but man we are super lost or we don’t really we don’t know what to do we can actually help you out with that if that’s something that would be of value to where we can bring in our experts and and help develop a roadmap for you help to develop this plan for you sit down with your team your stakeholders get an understanding of the organization and develop a plan for you and say hey look this is where you need to be looking for you guys you need to be looking over here you guys need to be looking over here if that’s something that you would find valuable reach out to us and we can help you we help a lot of organizations to be able to do that and it’s incredibly valuable and yeah but be on the lookout for a lot of other resources I’ve get you’ve got the persona developer the digital marketing content planner guide you can download out of this we’re also gonna be releasing our insights that have if it hasn’t been released by the time this episode is launched it’ll be out soon this is going to be a really great way to see what other organizations are doing and be able to sort of benchmark yourself against the industry so you can take that data and say hey look boss man or boss lady here is the here’s where we are right and here’s where the organ else is or we’re here or whatever but we can see a clear trend that everything is going this way and we need to jump on that train and we you know we’re either behind we need to catch up or we are we’re right in line but we need to continue to stay in line or you know we’re way ahead and we need to continue stay ahead this is how we’re gonna do is what everyone else is doing that the trends are super clear this is where it’s moving there’s a lot of confusion about what to do so we’re hoping to be able to you know create a little bit more clarity here with industrial sage for that so that’s it that’s all I’ve got for you for today thank you so much for watching or listening listen if you have a question you say listen I listened to this episode it was awesome but I wish you had got a little deeper on this or that reach out to us we’d love to answer those for you and to be able to help to continue to be a strong resource for you you can reach out to us in industrial sage com forward slash questions and I’ll answer it on the show and and we’ll go from there so thanks so much for being a subscriber if you are if you’re not you need to be one go to the website jump on our email list it’s awesome and yeah alright I’m done I’m gonna stop have a great day I’m Danny and this is industrial stage

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Posted by Ian

Ian has marketed for some of the world's best-known brands like Hewlett-Packard, Ryder, Force Factor, and CIT Bank. His content has been downloaded 50,000+ times and viewed by over 90% of the Fortune 500. His marketing has been featured in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Adweek, Business Insider, Seeking Alpha, Tech Crunch, Y Combinator, and Lifehacker. With over 10 startups under his belt, Ian's been described as a serial entrepreneur— a badge he wears with pride. Ian's a published author and musician and when he's not obsessively testing the next marketing idea, he can be found hanging out with family and friends north of Boston.

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