Apple Branding Strategies

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Apple Branding Strategies

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I’m Scott Bernhardt and this is Apple what do people think of when they think of Apple intuitive [Music] innovative [Music] this is iphone 7 it makes all the things you do with your iPhone better faster and more powerful just when you think you know what a computer is you see a keyboard that can just get out of the way and a screen you can touch and even right on when you see a computer that can do all that it might just make you wonder hey what else gonna do as you can see by this ad Apple uses a rational appeal to attract consumers to make the purchase of the iPad pro as you can see by this video which was muted for copyright infringement issues Apple has successfully utilized celebrity endorsements as branded Energizer’s for specific products as well as the brand as a whole you so in terms of apples brand portfolio apple designs and manufacturers several different personal electronic devices from their flagship product of iPhone to streaming video service through Apple TV the Apple iPhone is Apple’s flagship device this has been the most successful product across the world according to some the iPhone is not only the best-selling mobile phone but also the best-selling music player the best-selling camera the best-selling video screen and the best-selling computer of all time it is quite simply the best selling product of all time Apple also has a personal computing tablet many version was introduced several years ago but more recently the iPad pro was introduced which is a larger iPad with more technological capabilities and computing power so apples developed personal computers for consumers from iMac desktops to MacBook Pro and MacBook Air laptops we also have Apple TV this is a device that you plug into your TV that streams entertainment from movies games to apps directly into your living room we also have Apple iTunes which provides users the ability to download their favorite music to any Apple device addition we have Apple music which provides subscribers the ability to download unlimited music for a monthly fee lastly we have the Apple watch this is the newest product to the Apple Line this is a watch that connects via bluetooth to your smartphone giving you quick access to messages weather and news at the flick of your wrist what do people feel when they think of Apple premier products cutting edge design indeed Apple has positioned itself as the leader and innovator in the personal electronics industry from the design of the latest product to the box it comes in design is a cornerstone forward to Apple was founded Apple maintains relevance in the industry through innovative design this has caused them to be one of the global leaders in the industry today Apple continues to work on improving Hardware of devices such as iPhone iPad iMac MacBook Pro MacBook Air Apple watch and Apple TV Apple has just released the latest version of iPhone their title is sequentially calling at iPhone 7 there is talk amongst many consumers about when will the number go away with each new release of iPhone approximately every six months the new features are changed and design has been negligible this has been a criticism of Apple more recently as they’ve had several models released with one model number iPhone 6 iPhone 6 plus iPhone 6s iphone 6s plus the only difference between the two models was faster processor and upgraded camera so far from an external hardware perspective nothing changed within the iPhone line itself each new model cannibalized the previous model within a year’s time additionally as Apple increased the size of the screen on the plus models of the iPhone this caused cannibalization of an iPad line particularly in regards to that mini iPad Apple had to regain relevance in the tablet industry by releasing the iPad pro which bolstered a 12 point 9 inch screen in comparison to the nine point seven inch screen it previously wore in earlier models Apple additionally had to respond to their largest competitor Microsoft Surface and surface pro tablets which continued to be larger with increased computing power and performance Apple continues to find one-line cannibalizing another as they continue to set the precedent with larger versions of each product as a line becomes older a branded energizer for Apple was the acquisition of beats by dre for three billion dollars this acquisition brought a new life to the brand particularly in regards to music subscription service which is now branded as Apple music according to forbes comm this was the largest acquisition in Apple’s history Apple has enjoyed steady growth over the last ten years with net incomes of over 1.3 billion in 2005 to over 50 3.3 billion in 2015 these figures speak to their ability to captivate consumers with innovative and cutting-edge designs this continues to make them the largest threat in the consumer electronics industry globally their ability to continuously produce a premium product with a premium price has attracted consumers for years Apple is one of the most valuable brands in the world they have differentiated themselves from their competition by remaining innovative and staying at the forefront of cutting-edge design and technology Apple will continue to reap the benefits of their branding strategies for years to come as they create more space between themselves and competition by being seen as the leader in design and technology amongst billions of people worldwide Apple uses an emotional appeal when it comes to advertising and marketing for consumers this has helped make film one of the leading brands globally as you can tell by this commercial it’s no longer important for Apple to advertise a product now they begin to advertise a way of life this emotional appeal has resonated with consumers and continues to make Apple one of the leading technology companies in the world

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Posted by Ian

Ian has marketed for some of the world's best-known brands like Hewlett-Packard, Ryder, Force Factor, and CIT Bank. His content has been downloaded 50,000+ times and viewed by over 90% of the Fortune 500. His marketing has been featured in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Adweek, Business Insider, Seeking Alpha, Tech Crunch, Y Combinator, and Lifehacker. With over 10 startups under his belt, Ian's been described as a serial entrepreneur— a badge he wears with pride. Ian's a published author and musician and when he's not obsessively testing the next marketing idea, he can be found hanging out with family and friends north of Boston.

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