Unpacking Amazon’s World-Dominating Marketing Strategy

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Unpacking Amazon’s World-Dominating Marketing Strategy

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Amazon is the 5th largest company on the planet, with a market cap of $1.7 billion generating a net income of $26.3 billion in 2021. Amazon’s marketing strategy is truly global, making the company an international brand name. Not only is Amazon well-known, they’re the source for e-commerce purchases with an estimated 65% of US citizens used the platform at least once a month in 2020.

In Amazon’s early days, its founder, Jeff Bezos, ran the business from his garage, although it’s worth mentioning that he did have significant financial assistance from his parents. Right from the beginning, it was obvious that an effective marketing strategy was one of Bezos’ key skills as a founder and he put his marketing muscle to work when he chose the name “Amazon.”

Although he tried other names first, Bezos eventually settled for Amazon, partly because it had an exotic sound. Another reason for choosing the name Amazon was that it started with the letter A, meaning the company would be toward the top of lists of alphabetically listed companies. 

Amazon’s eCommerce platform generates revenue through commissions on sales by their users, with commission rates varying for different product categories. Amazon also sells its own products on their eCommerce platform, including products purchased directly from Amazon vendors, which Amazon then sells themselves. 

As you might expect, Amazon’s marketing strategy is extremely effective at generating sales and revenue while also retaining the loyalty of its users regardless of whether they’re buying or selling. 

Table of Contents

Amazon’s marketing strategy is multi-pronged, and its business model lends itself well to certain marketing practices. In addition to solid marketing practices, the company also benefits from having a product that encourages users to return time and time again. 

Here’s a breakdown of Amazon’s marketing strategies that we’ll be covering in this article. 

Amazon’s Marketing Strategy: The Logo 

Jeff Bezos knew a key part of any effective marketing strategy creating a brand people would remember. A memorable logo or brand mark is a time-proven marketing strategy to keep your brand at the top of your customers’ mind.

In the early stages of Amazon’s marketing strategy, the logo that made a literal personification of the Amazon river running through a trapezoid, that ultimately made the shape of an “A.” And just like that, the first Amazon logo was born in 1995. As time went on, there would be new iterations like the Zebra logo which lasted a few years between 1997 and 1998. At the end of 1998, Jeff decided to hire the design firm Turner Duckworth to design the ‘perfect’ logo. They came back with an option—a serious monochrome logo that had the tagline “Earth’s Biggest Bookstore.” Jeff Bezos, ever aware of how this logo would personify the brand, thought it was a little too serious of a logo for what they’re doing. He asked for a bit more color to be added to the logo, thus the second version with the yellow ‘O’ in 1998. 

One interesting note about the early logo process with Turner Duckworth is that Jeff attended every meeting and approved every change himself to lower costs, but ultimately, control the process. 

Between 1998 and 2000, the first version of what we consider to be the familiar Amazon logo, made an appearance. The typeface was emboldened and a yellow underline was added. Sometime in 2000, they decided to change the boring yellow line to the trademark ‘smile’ which they have been using ever since. 

Did you know that the current amazon logo points from A to Z to communicate to their customers that they have everything ‘from A to Z.’ A subtle tip of the hat from Bezos to his customers and another example of why Amazon’s Marketing Strategy is genius. 

One other point worth mentioning—Amazon changed their logo, a lot. Jeff and the Amazon team was not afraid to experiment with their brand for 5 years in a row until they landed on a logo they liked. What’s the lesson here? Always test and try new approaches to optimize your brand elements, like a logo, to maximize the impact of your marketing strategy. 

The Word of Mouth Marketing Strategy

Word of mouth might be one of the crudest marketing methods, but it’s also one of the most effective. People just love to tell others about the new purchases they’ve made and, when they do, one of the first questions is “where did you buy it from?”. Buyers also typically have a positive experience when shopping on the Amazon platform, making them more likely to recommend the platform to friends and family.

Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

From the start, Jeff Bezos knew that the customer experience (CX) would play a pivotal role in whether or not his customer’s would ‘spread the word’ about Amazon. He baked CX directly into his marketing strategy by integrating it into the early mission statement by offering:

“Earth’s biggest selection and to be Earth’s most customer-centric company.”

But simply offering ‘Earth’s biggest selection’ alone will not make for an effective marketing strategy—Amazon had to create customer loyalty and keep their customers repeat purchasing. 

One piece of this loyalty pie is the word of mouth recommendations their platform and shopping experience creates. By making it easy to checkout and get their merchandise, their customers rave about the shopping experience. 

And recommendations are potent marketing tools, and approximately 90% of people will trust a brand recommended to them even if recommended by a stranger. Word of mouth drives roughly 13% of all sales globally, which amounts to approximately $6 trillion annually. 

Amazon takes advantage of word of mouth in different ways. One way is that consumers pass on recommendations to friends and family after having had a positive experience on the platform. 

Another reason is the company’s clever use of reviews which are outstanding examples of social proof. A 2020 survey showed that approximately 40% of people who made a purchase from Amazon did so after a recommendation or after reading a product review, highlighting just how effective their reviews are. 

Off-Site Marketing Strategies by Sellers

One of the biggest advantages Amazon has is that many of their sellers undertake their own marketing strategies independently from Amazon. This means that Amazon benefits from its users’ marketing efforts and skills and the money they spend on marketing, which is between $9,000 and $60.000 per month on average. 

Regardless of how Amazon sellers promote their products off-site, they will also be promoting Amazon’s eCommerce platform. So it’s essentially free advertising for Amazon and very effective advertising at that. 

SEO Marketing Strategy

SEO is one of the most effective online marketing strategies there is, with approximately 53% of all website traffic coming from organic searches. Although it is very effective, it can take months before an eCommerce store will see any benefit from SEO. However, Amazon is already well established and lists high in the search engine results pages. 

And early on, Bezos and Amazon understood the power of organic search’s power and made it a core pillar of their marketing strategy. Amazon sellers get to optimize their stores and product listings for SEO. Optimization includes using the right keywords, writing compelling titles and informative descriptions, and using quality optimized images.

Amazon’s eCommerce platform contains a vast amount of content, including high-quality images, which helps encourage Google to list them high up on the search engine results pages (SERPS). Product reviews, which Amazon has plenty of, also help the website to do well in the SERPs, and the internet is awash with high-quality Amazon backlinks, helping the platform even more.

Optimizing an Amazon account often focuses on gaining visibility through searches made on Amazon itself. This also helps them get noticed on Google and other search engines, thus bringing more traffic to Amazon’s platform. 


PPC Advertising

PPC marketing is one of the most popular marketing strategies available; a survey showed that 45% of small business owners use PPC to market their company and products. When sellers use PPC to promote their products, again Amazon gets visibility on some of the biggest platforms around, including Google and Facebook.

PPC advertising is a popular Amazon marketing strategy for several reasons, including:

  • Cost: the cost of PPC advertising is relatively small compared to other methods. It typically costs just a few cents per click, and any minimum daily budgets are minimal. PPC advertisers are also not tied into long, costly accounts. If a campaign is not working, you can simply pause the ad until you’ve rectified the issue. 
  • Quick Results: Some marketing strategies will take a long time before results are seen, making them unsuitable for many smaller businesses trying to get started on limited budgets. With PPC, however, results can be almost instant provided the ads are effective, meaning Amazon starts making commissions sooner. 
  • Analytics: PPC gives advertisers access to comprehensive analytics that help them fine-tune their campaigns to boost sales, which also boosts Amazon’s revenue. 
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Not only is PPC advertising affordable, but it’s also effective. Ads can be highly targeted toward the appropriate audience, meaning each ad is shown to somebody who may have an interest. Cost-effectiveness comes because ads are highly targeted and because you pay nothing unless somebody clicks on an ad.

All these factors, and more, help to raise Amazon’s profile, drive traffic to their website, and increase their revenue. Even when an ad is not clicked on and no sale is made, Amazon still gets free advertising on some of the most visible platforms on the planet, helping to raise brand awareness 

Promotions as a Marketing Strategy

Vendors will often offer discounts or other promotions on their products to help them attract new customers. It is made easy for potential customers to compare prices against others, and the product screen also clearly displays any discounts that are available. 

Amazon also lets sellers use coupons to help promote their products, and, according to Amazon, their coupons help increase sales by 12%. With more sales comes more commission revenue for Amazon in the short term while also creating more new customers for the platform. 

Email Marketing Strategy

Amazon doesn’t allow email marketing directly. Their sellers can’t gather email addresses from customers on the site and send emails to them.

However, Amazon doesn’t have a problem with sellers using email marketing externally. Sellers are free to build email databases separately from Amazon and then email their customers, and Amazon allows the seller to include a link.

Email marketing is another marketing method that seems crude but can be very effective when done right, potentially generating $36 for every $1 invested. These figures show that email marketing can help boost sales significantly for Amazon sellers, again helping to increase revenue for the company. 

User-Generated Content

Another incredibly powerful marketing strategy that Amazon makes the most of, is user-generated content (UGC). UGC is content created by the consumer, whether sellers, vendors or buyers. The content is effective because it comes directly from other consumers, making it authentic. 

User-generated content also helps people make a human connection with products; it helps to highlight how a product can solve shoppers’ pain points and makes it easier for them to envisage using the product. Such is its effectiveness that around 79% of people have said UGC impacts their buying decisions. 

Amazon benefits from UGC in various ways, including high-quality product images to be used on their eCommerce platform, and other content that is used on their social media accounts. 


On-site Marketing by Sellers

The more money individual vendors make, the more money Amazon makes, so it makes sense for the platform to help vendors get their products noticed. Amazon has created its own on-platform marketing strategy features that help vendors sell more, and ensure a good service for consumers. Some of these features are at a cost to the vendor, helping to increase Amazon’s revenue further.

Amazon Advertising

Amazon advertising lets vendors and sellers deploy different marketing strategies and advertise on Amazon. The platform offers sellers several different options:

Sponsored Brands

Amazon from the very beginning understood that their sellers’ success equates to their own success. In order to maximize this marketing strategy, Amazon offers a bunch of tools to maximize sales on platform. 

For example, Amazon Sponsored Brands help sellers to increase their brand visibility. Sponsored brands are ideal for brands that wish to remain visible to previous and existing customers, helping to improve brand loyalty. They can also help new brands get themselves noticed among more established competitors. 

Sponsored brands let sellers determine how their brand is presented on the platform, and clicking on the brand logo on sponsored brands ads will take shoppers through to the brand store. Alternatively, shoppers can click on a product on the ad and be taken directly to the product page. 

Sponsored brands are another form of PPC ad, meaning you only pay when somebody clicks on the ad. This means your brand still gets visibility on the platform regardless of whether or not people click on your ads. 

Sponsored Products

Sponsored product ads are a form of PPC ad displayed on the Amazon platform, appearing on product detail pages and shopping results pages. Amazon encourages their sellers to use sponsored product ads by making it as easy as possible for them to generate their own ads. Sponsored product ads are shown to consumers when they search for products using certain keywords. 


Sponsored Display Ads

Although they sound similar, Amazon sponsored product ads and sponsored display ads are different things.

A sponsored product ad is triggered by keywords, whereas a sponsored display ad is shown according to customer behavior. So, for example, if somebody had viewed your product before, bought one of your products, or bought other products in the same category as yours, then Amazon may show the ad. Sponsored display ads give advertisers three targeting options to choose from:

Product Targeting

Product targeting helps advertisers get their products noticed among shoppers who have been actively browsing their products or similar products on the Amazon platform. Ads will appear on relevant product pages, and advertisers can choose to have similar or complementary products targeted. 

The product targeting option is available to vendors and sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, and they appear on product detail pages and shopping results pages.

Views Remarketing

Remarketing strategies on Amazon involve targeting people who have previously looked at your product pages or similar product pages in the past. Remarketing is an effective marketing strategy when you’re looking to reengaging with prospects and generate revenue you might have otherwise lost. 

Remarketing on Amazon targets people who have viewed certain product pages within the last 30 days and have not made a purchase. The ads appear on the Amazon home page, product detail pages, and shopping results pages. Third-party apps and websites are also targeted in the United States. Studies have shown that remarketing can lead to 147% higher conversion rates, meaning more revenue and new customers for Amazon. 

Views remarketing is available to vendors and sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry.

Audience Interests

One of the most powerful features Amazon offers to its vendors in the form of marketing strategies is the ability to target specific audiences. The audience interests option targets people according to their shopping behavior and helps to introduce products and brands to new audiences. Amazon shows the ads to people who have visited the pages of products that fall into specific categories within the previous 90 days.  

The Audience Interests feature is only available to vendors, and the ads appear on Amazon product detail pages and shopping results pages.

Video ads

Amazon’s video ads allow advertisers to demonstrate their products in addition to telling their brand message. Studies have shown that shoppers are 35% more likely to buy a product if a video is added to a product description. 

(Video link): https://www.amazon.com/Nuby-Ice-Gel-Teether-Keys/dp/B003N9M6YI/ref=sr_1_3?crid=W1N8ZG0CO5JD&keywords=toys+video+ads&qid=1643641594&sprefix=toysv%2Caps%2C310&sr=8-3

The dimensions of video ads will automatically adjust according to where they are displayed and the device being used. All videos will need to follow Amazon’s video guidelines. Amazon video ads will play when at least 50% of the video is visible on the screen, and the video pauses automatically if the video goes off-screen. Amazon video ads are muted by default. 

Video ads are available to vendors and sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry. Sellers will need to be active and have an Amazon Seller Central account. 

Audio ads

the use of voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa has surged in recent years, and its growth shows no signs of slowing down. The market is expected to reach $30 billion in 2026, from $10 billion in 2020, meaning many people will be using voice search when shopping online.

Image by hamburgfinn from Pixabay

Amazon is never one to miss out on an effective marketing strategy, they have rolled out an entire offering of audio ads that play between anything played on the Alexa devices. 

Amazon’s audio ads allow advertisers to make their brands and products more ‘visible’ on Alexa enabled products. 

Amazon’s audio ads last between 10 and 30 seconds and are played in between songs on Amazon music’s ad-supported music service. Only around 32% of the US population pays for an ad-free music service, meaning your audio ads can reach a vast audience. 

Any business can purchase audio ads from Amazon, including those that don’t sell on Amazon’s eCommerce platform. However, anybody wanting an Amazon ad will need to work with an account executive. The minimum required budget is approximately $35,000, putting the service out of reach for many smaller businesses. 

Amazon DSP

Amazon demand-side platform (Amazon DSP) is a programmatic advertising service that helps users get more from their ads. The service gives users access to metrics and other tools that guide impactful decision making. 


Amazon DSP lets users bid on ads both on and off the Amazon platform and is perhaps the best method of running ads on Amazon-owned properties like Amazon eCommerce and Alexa. 

Amazon DSP is like Google ads in that it helps you automatically bid for the best ads according to criteria like the target audience and your budget. The service also employs machine learning that will help to improve your results from marketing strategies over time. 

Access to Amazon DSP on a self-service basis is quite exclusive, with high annual expenditure necessary to gain access. Alternatively, Amazon’s DSP is available through Amazon’s managed services, which requires a significant minimum ad spend.  

One of the main advantages of using Amazon’s DSP through their managed services is that you can leave it to Amazon employees with little input from you. You also get to make the most of amazon’s vast volumes of data and the expertise of their marketing teams. This leaves sellers with more time to focus on other important aspects of running an eCommerce business. 

Amazon’s Paid ads marketing strategy generate revenue directly for Amazon. While Amazon’s accounts don’t specify how much was made from advertising specifically, we know it’s a considerable figure. The company’s advertising revenue is bundled in with other revenue streams in the ‘other’ category, which itself made more than $7.9 billion in the second quarter of 2021; most of this figure likely came from ad revenue. The company is also in third place globally in digital ad revenue, behind only Google and Facebook. 

Amazon’s Website—The Ultimate Marketing Strategy

The Amazon eCommerce platform is one of the company’s most powerful marketing strategies. At amazon.com, online shoppers know that they can find pretty much anything they want. An enormous virtual shopping mall, the platform is ideal for people who already know what they want or those who just want to do some window shopping.


The platform focuses on providing a positive user experience and is made to be easy to browse, with clear categories and an easy-to-use search function. In addition, plenty of information is provided for each product, and a seamless checkout system helps make it easy to make a purchase. 


Today’s Deals

People just love to get a good deal and Amazon’s ‘Today’s Deals’ feature is a brilliant marketing strategy by Amazon that makes it easy for people to see what deals are available. The feature is clearly labelled in the home page menu, and shoppers can select which categories they want to browse, helping them find something they want.

The Today’s Deals section helps generate revenue in the short term for Amazon by encouraging sales. The feature also helps to add more value to the platform, improving the customer experience and boosting customer loyalty. 

Amazon Brand Stores

The success of Amazon’s eCommerce platform is thanks not only to making a shopping portal that provides a positive user experience to consumers but also in providing a profitable platform for sellers. The platform is made to be easy to use, attracting businesses of all sizes, including some of the largest brand names around.

One example of Amazon making the platform user friendly is its Amazon Brand Stores feature. 

Amazon brand stores give sellers their own digital storefront on the Amazon platform. Through Amazon brand stores, sellers get to have their own personalized space on the platform and a place to feature their products away from the competition. You can also use sponsored brand ads to make brand stores more visible, helping to boost revenue for brands and Amazon. 

Amazon brand stores are completely free to use, and sellers have a lot of flexibility in terms of the store’s structure and the content they can use. In addition, the stores are easy to create and customize, and store templates are available. 

Conversion Rate Optimization

The more products sold on Amazon, the more money the platform makes, so it’s in Amazon’s best interests to ensure the platform is conducive to sales. Of course, Amazon has recognized this and has set out to design its platform in a way that encourages sales. 

While the platform itself is structured in a way that aids conversions, sellers are also given the tools and the resources they need to help encourage shoppers to buy their products. 

The result is an impressive average conversion rate of just under 10% on the platform (with an incredible 74% for Amazon Prime members). To put that into context, the average conversion rate for non-Amazon eCommerce stores was only 2.42% in November 2021. 

Such high conversion rates help clarify just how effective Amazon’s overall marketing strategy is. 

Product Reviews

As we mentioned previously, reviews from other consumers can be a surprisingly powerful marketing strategy for both Amazon and its vendors. Even reviews from complete strangers can compel consumers to make a purchase, and Amazon has taken full advantage of the phenomenon.


Amazon has embraced product reviews and made them a cornerstone of its eCommerce platform. Anybody who buys an item is free to leave feedback as they see fit, with a 5-star rating system that makes it easy to evaluate a seller’s overall rating. Customers are also free to leave their thoughts on the products and the seller in comments, no matter how positive or negative their opinions might be. 

Not only do product reviews help compel shoppers to make a purchase, but they also help ensure customers have a positive experience on the platform by helping them to make the right choice. After having had a good experience, customers are more likely to return to the site and encourage others to do so. 

Amazon Influencer Program

Influencers are very, well… influential, and if used correctly they can be an extremely effective marketing strategy for companies and yes, Amazon. A 2021 study showed that around 58% of marketers said influencer marketing is their most effective marketing tool. 

As you would expect, Amazon has taken notice and set itself up to take advantage thanks to the Amazon influencer program. Influencers accepted into the program will be given their own Amazon storefront, along with products to promote. Amazon is quite choosy about which influencers they let join and only established influencers with strong followings and solid engagement metrics are accepted. 

Amazon influencers make a commission on products sold, making it a potentially lucrative relationship for both parties. 

User Data

Internet marketers have a key advantage over traditional marketers: data – lots of data. Every single ad that is run and every single transaction with visitors and customers can be tracked and recorded. This data can then be used to help online marketers adjust their campaigns, fine-tuning them for the best possible performance from their marketing strategies. 

The more data that’s available, the more accurate insights will be, and Amazon has a vast amount of user data to work with. Having so much data helps Amazon make decisions that keep their platform at the forefront in terms of sales and marketing performance. Amazon is always looking for ways to use their data to their advantage by improving their platform and providing sellers with the tools they need to succeed. 

Fulfillment by Amazon

Fulfillment by Amazon is another service that Amazon offers and one that further helps enhance the value and functionality of its eCommerce platform.

FBA offers storage, packaging, and shipping services to sellers, helping them with the logistics of running their businesses. The service is similar to drop shipping in many aspects, except in this case, Amazon is not a wholesaler. Instead, sellers can send their inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers, where they will be stored until an order is made. When customers order products, Amazon staff will prepare the product for shipping and send the product directly to the customer.

The service provides numerous benefits to sellers, including:

  • Added Credibility: Products sold and distributed by FBA are expected to meet Amazon’s standards, essentially giving potential customers a quality guarantee. Potential buyers are also more likely to have faith in the delivery of a product if it’s despatched via FBA
  • Customer Service: Amazon will handle customer service issues regarding deliveries on products despatched through FBA. 
  • Reduced Shipping Costs: Amazon has close working relationships with shipping companies, helping them get better prices which are then passed on to the customers. Cheaper shipping costs will make products more enticing to potential buyers. 

Perhaps the biggest advantage of all for sellers is that FBA will reduce their workload, giving them more time to focus on other tasks such as product selection and marketing to help increase sales. Of course, increased sales mean even more commission for Amazon plus, of course, Amazon also profits from charging for its FBA services. 

Amazon Handmade

As the name suggests, Amazon handmade involves selling handmade products on the Amazon platform. All products are made by artists and crafters, allowing consumers to shop for products they won’t find anywhere else. 

Anybody wishing to sell their products through Amazon handmade will need to go through an application process. The process will ensure that everything is made by hand and that the products are of good quality. Sellers on the Amazon Handmade program get access to all the same features as other sellers. 

Amazon’s Own Marketing Campaigns

As effective as amazon’s sellers are for the company, Amazon doesn’t rely on them only to fulfill their marketing strategy. They also run their own marketing campaigns to boost brand awareness and advertise products. 

Not only are Amazon experts in proper marketing strategy, but they also have vast financial resources, enabling them to create highly effective marketing content over numerous channels. In 2020, the company spent approximately $6.8 billion on advertising, a figure that dwarfs the overall revenue of many large international companies. 

Traditional Advertising

Amazon maintains a strong presence on traditional advertising sources like TV, radio, magazines and billboards. Their TV ads focus on entertaining their audience and raising the company’s profile rather than selling directly. 

Amazon’s traditional advertising campaigns are in line with most of their other advertising content in that they avoid trying to sell products directly and focus on raising brand awareness instead. 


Coupon Sites

Coupon sites like Groupon are an excellent way for companies to encourage consumers to shop at their stores, and amazon takes full advantage by utilizing this marketing strategy in a big way. Indeed, Groupon even has its own section dedicated to great deals on Amazon. 

Not only are coupon sites effective at driving short term revenue through sales, but they are also effective at helping businesses like Amazon acquire new customers. When a coupon helps Amazon acquire a new customer, Amazon’s marketing machine can then help to retain that customer in the long term. 


In addition to seller’s promotions, Amazon also offers their own promotions. Amazon uses their promotions marketing strategy to help drive revenue in the short term, build brand loyalty, and acquire new customers for the company. Amazon periodically holds various promotions in addition to the ‘today’s deals’ promotions already discussed. 

Prime Day

Prime Day is a promotion that’s open to Amazon Prime account holders only. The promotion is considered a major commercial event similar to Black Friday and runs just once a year over two days. In 2020, Prime Day saw sales of $10.4 billion over two days, just short of Black Friday, which achieved sales of $10.9 billion. In 2021, 58% of consumers said they were planning to shop online on Prime Day.

Such is the impact of Prime Day that the excitement also spills over to other online retailers, boosting their traffic in sales in a phenomenon that has been named ‘the prime day Halo effect’.

The impact of Prime Day on Amazon’s sales and the sales of other online retailers is clear, but it also helps to raise awareness of Amazon’s Prime account service. 

Sale Day Promotions

Amazon will also advertise promotions on significant days throughout the year. Such promotions include their own book bazaar and sales on other notable days like father’s day, mother’s day, and some religious occasions. 

Social Media Advertising

Amazon’s business model makes it ideal for social media marketing strategy campaigns, and the store has active accounts on all the biggest social media platforms. The company generally takes a non-sales-y approach to running their social media accounts, instead aiming to get their audience engaged with their content and increase brand awareness. Amazon makes clever use of eye-catching content on its websites that draws people in and subtly encourages them to click through to their eCommerce platform. 

In addition to helping Amazon market its brand, social media also acts as a convenient customers services channel for their customers. Amazon is also dedicated to answering as many comments as possible on their social media sites. 


Facebook is an outstanding marketing strategy platform for companies of all sizes, including Amazon. Amazon’ Facebook page is rich in quality content, including user-generated content, which helps keep their audience engaged. Amazon also uses Facebook to showcase successful small businesses on their platform while also letting their audience know about upcoming promotions. 


Amazon’s Facebook page has an impressive following of nearly 30 million people. The company also has pages for specific countries, such as the Facebook India page, which has more than 10 million followers. There’s also an Amazon UK page that has more than 5.5 million members, making it the UK’s more popular brand Facebook page.  

In addition, numerous independent Facebook groups and pages have been created, revolving around the Amazon marketplace. For example, the Amazon moms Facebook group has 7.8k members and regularly posts details about Amazon deals that moms may be interested in.


Amazon maintains an active Twitter account that helps boost its online presence. Amazon has a following of 4.1 million people on Twitter, and the company also has regional Twitter accounts, such as Amazon India with a following of 2.2 million people.

Amazon updates its Twitter accounts regularly updated to keep its followers engaged. Amazon’s Twitter account helps with promotions that help drive traffic to their eCommerce platforms, sell products, and acquire new customers. 

Amazon keeps to a conversational tone on their Twitter accounts without being sales heavy. They also use the platform to run contests that encourage engagement and attract more people to their Twitter accounts. 


YouTube makes for a perfect platform for any company to showcase their products and elevate their brand. Of course, Amazon has taken full advantage of this marketing strategy and has almost 500k followers on their eCommerce channel. The company also has other YouTube accounts, including an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that has approximately 564k subscribers

Amazon’s YouTube channel focuses on entertaining content, including amusing advertisements, and features amazon staff, sellers, and other people associated with the company.

Amazon’s YouTube content also focuses on creating useful content that helps customers with issues they might be having with products. Such content will not only help provide a better service to Amazon’s customers, but it can also help increase brand and product awareness, boosting sales. 


Amazon’s Instagram account has approximately 3.4 million followers. The company’s Instagram strategy is very similar to that of other social media sites, although Instagram has also been used for interviews with celebrities. One of the first things visitors to the page is likely to notice is the bright, eye-catching content that draws people in and encourages engagement without being sales-y. 



Amazon has just over 82.3k followers on Pinterest, which gets more than 10 million views every month. The account follows the non-sale-y policy, although some of their more popular products are showcased. Their content includes bright, eye-catching and fun visuals



Amazon is one of the largest, most successful brands of all-time. They have vast resources at their disposal, but this doesn’t mean Amazon hasn’t optimized their marketing strategies to grow faster—they have! Not only that, but the company also has access to vast amounts of marketing data it can use to enhance its marketing strategy. Even with their vast resources, the company still makes the most of marketing sourced by their users. 

Amazon’s marketing strategy machine may be vast and very well-funded, but there is still plenty for smaller business with fewer resources to take inspiration from. Indeed, just about any company could run their own social media marketing campaigns and take advantage of reviews, UGC, and other powerful marketing strategy tools. So what are you waiting for? Start un-boxing your marketing strategy today!

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Written by Ian

Ian has marketed for some of the world's best-known brands like Hewlett-Packard, Ryder, Force Factor, and CIT Bank. His content has been downloaded 50,000+ times and viewed by over 90% of the Fortune 500. His marketing has been featured in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Adweek, Business Insider, Seeking Alpha, Tech Crunch, Y Combinator, and Lifehacker. With over 10 startups under his belt, Ian's been described as a serial entrepreneur— a badge he wears with pride. Ian's a published author and musician and when he's not obsessively testing the next marketing idea, he can be found hanging out with family and friends north of Boston.

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Valuable content. This content gives us a world-dominating marketing strategy which will helps to improve Amazon marketing for sellers. Thanks for sharing this content.

Lee S. Ward

This Content is very important nd valuable content thank you for information.

Emmett Simard

you are doing such a great job! Thank you for sharing such good content. keep it up

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[…] Ian. (2022, February 6). Unpacking Amazon’s world-dominating marketing strategy. Marketing Strategy. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from https://marketingstra1.wpengine.com/marketing-strategy-studies/amazon-marketing-strategy/ […]