The Golden Circle: Why Does Apple Command Loyalty?

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The Golden Circle: Why Does Apple Command Loyalty?

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Fora tv’ the world is thinking all those great leaders in all those great organizations everything from Martin Luther King to Apple computers it doesn’t matter big companies small companies in every single industry all those that command great loyalty people loyalty is a feeling loyalty is a feeling a human feeling all those that command loyalty from employees and from customers and from investors every single one of them regardless of their industry thinks act and communicates the exact same way and it’s the complete opposite to everybody else all I did was write it down and it’s probably the world’s simplest idea I call it the Golden Circle it’s a bull’s-eye in the middle is the word why the center ring is the word how and the outside ring is the word what it’s this little idea that distinguishes those that survive those three years and more importantly this little idea that is able to inspire people to join you in your pursuit every single organization on the planet knows what they do you know the products you sell in the services you offer some organizations know how they do what they do these are the things that we think make us special or better or stand out from our competition but not very many organizations can clearly state why they do what they do and by why I don’t mean to make a profit that’s a result by why I don’t mean to have an exit strategy by why I mean what’s your purpose what’s your cause what’s your belief why does your organization exist why did you get out of bed this morning and why should anyone care as a result the way we think the way we act the way we communicate is from the outside in we tell people what we do we tell them how we do it and we expect some sort of behavior a purchase support a vote hot working hard but all the inspired leaders those are the capacity to inspire every single one of them regardless of their size regardless of their industry thinks acts and yuuna Cates from the inside app they all start with why I use Apple very frequently because they’re easy to understand and we all get it if Apple were like everyone else a piece of communication from them would sound like this we make great computers they’re beautifully designed simple to use and user friendly wanna buy one that’s normal here’s our new technology company we have these features and that features and we’re better than our competition in this way we’re simpler in them have a better user interface choose us this is this is normal here’s our law firm we have all the best lawyers we went to all the best schools we would all of our cases choose us this is the norm but all the inspiring leaders and all the inspiring organizations do it differently this is how Apple actually does it they start here everything we do they say we believe in challenging the status quo we believe in thinking differently the way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed simple to use and user friendly we just happen to make great computers want to buy one totally different right it feels different you want to join me in this pursuit not because my computers are better but because you believe what I believe

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Posted by Ian

Ian has marketed for some of the world's best-known brands like Hewlett-Packard, Ryder, Force Factor, and CIT Bank. His content has been downloaded 50,000+ times and viewed by over 90% of the Fortune 500. His marketing has been featured in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Adweek, Business Insider, Seeking Alpha, Tech Crunch, Y Combinator, and Lifehacker. With over 10 startups under his belt, Ian's been described as a serial entrepreneur— a badge he wears with pride. Ian's a published author and musician and when he's not obsessively testing the next marketing idea, he can be found hanging out with family and friends north of Boston.

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