Most everyone in western culture knows the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It is a story that resonates and is remembered – for both simple and symbolic reasons. It is a great example of what author Seth Godin means when he advises marketers to be storytellers – to find an authentic and memorable way to connect with an audience.
In the past month I have met with perhaps 25 start-ups. Each has a story to tell. Yet, very few tell it.
The narrative focuses on markets, volume, scale, resources, funding and strategy. All of this is necessary, but without the story that is supported there is no foundation upon which to evaluate it.
As an entrepreneur your priority must be to find the story that your product narrates. It must be compelling and authentic, factual and real. But importantly, it must resonate with an inner drive, need or desire of a market large enough to carry your story on its back, and make you successful.
Spot on!